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At Energy Commerce, we manufacture solid waste management, and renewable energygeneration  and supply equipment. We provide innovative modern solid waste managementsystems to solve the problem of landfill and transportation. With Energy Commerce, solid wastemanagement systems organizations can generate revenue out of waste in the form of Biogas.

We use modern technology to treat solid waste. Solid waste is converted into biogas and organicmanure. Our natural biogas processing plant uses raw material, particularly, corn grass for thedigester and processes anaerobic digestion to produce semi-liquid biogas. The Biogas unit alsoproduces good quality bio-fertilizer.

Our biogas unit is equipped with a host of safety measures. The machine is run by a built-inautomatic safety device. The cylinder used for filling gas is made to ISI standards and it carries theISI standard mark. In the event of an unexpected gas leaked, the machine raises an alarm and stopsautomatically. The leaked gas mixes with the atmosphere thus avoiding fire accidents. In case ofany unknown circumstance, tank overfill, or leakage of empty gas, the machine raises an alarmthereby avoiding accidents. The unit can be designed and customized based on the raw materials.

Overflowing landfills not only spread foul smell, but they also allow toxic liquids to drain intounderground water sources. Moreover, anaerobic digestion deactivates pathogens and parasites;thus, it is effective in reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases. This in turn, leads toimprovements in environmental sanitation and hygiene.